visual acuity

Display in iPhone 5: What to expect?

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As you may already know, Apple is getting ready to release a new iPhone this coming Tuesday: an iPhone 4S or/and an iPhone 5 if one believes the rumors. While an iPhone 4S is expected to carry the same "Retina Display" as the iPhone 4, an iPhone 5 is believed to have a larger display... We are looking here at the possible specifications for this new display. – Last updated: October 4, 2011 Read More...

"Retina Display" in the next iPad?
Part 1: Visual Ergonomics

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We revisit the concept of "Retina Display" in the context of the rumoured iPad 2 in terms of Visual Ergonomics... Read More...

Apple "Retina Display" in iPhone 4: a Vision Scientist Perspective

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Our take on the controversy surrounding Apple "Retina Display" in the iPhone 4... Even Steve Jobs sent us an email about it:

Thanks! Well written and clearly explained.
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